

  Fun facts about our brain

The speed of thought is actually defined at around 156-270 miles per hour.

The human brain is 30 times more powerful than the IBM Sequoia, one of the world’s fastest supercomputers.

Our brain is about 2% of the body’s total weight, but it uses 20% of its total energy and oxygen intake.

A Comprehensive, Cost-effective, Customizable Device to help People With ALS (PALS) Communicate

My brother and I won first place in the Biomedical Engineering category for juniors. We advanced to the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (JIC) 2023 and the Texas Science and Engineering Fair. We also won a cash prize ($1000) for best presentation in juniors (presented by Houston Intellectual Property Law Association), and the Jacobs Science Explorer Award (signed copy of an autobiography written by a NASA astronaut)!

This is a video with more information about our project. We submitted this video for the Texas Science and Engineering Fair Special Award judging. I hope you enjoy it!

ALS Device Video.MOV

ALS Assistive Device Video

I joined the Neuroscience club in Aug 2022 and am the youngest student  of the club. I have learned a lot this year from my peers. I can't wait to share some of my research  in the coming years as well. 

The Stanford OHS Neuroscience Club is a group of students that share the common interest of learning about the brain. Students have the opportunity to share a topic that they have learned about or researched related to neuroscience, psychology or mental health. 

SCIENCE FAIR: 2021 -2015

Surface Tensions of Household Liquids, 2021 

In this project, I was trying to answer the question - How will the surface tension of different household liquids differ when measured with a homemade single beam balance?  I concluded that the surfactants in the household cleaning agents decreases their surface tension as compared to that of water.

Homemade Single Beam Balance

Graph of Surface Tension vs. Liquids

2015 (1st grade)

2016 (2nd grade)